Here is a before and after video of the incredible process of building a home up to Aspen code out of straw and mud!
…and After!
Thank you to the incredible people who have volunteered their time to create this masterpiece. From treehouse to straw cabin, my parents are true visionaries and what they create with their bare hands blows my mind! Can’t wait to share the finished cozy cabin with you all!
Mahalo for watching,
Alison and my wild parental units
Dean and Nikki Seader: contractors builders, advisors extraordinaire
Adam Bowyer: man with a nail belt on the ground and in the air
Kadek Roja and crew Bali: sacred structures
Don Smith: light straw clay expert, and surf buddy
Jeff Ruppert: engineer, straw bale home expert, tely ski buddy and fly fisherman
Anna Cabral: draftsperson yogini and angel
Andy Mishmash: advisor and windows!!!
Keith Brand: straw bale expert and sliding doors
Kaeo Frank: the clay man
Volunteer clay straw stompers and dancers extraordinaire including Emily Delise, Scott Fish, Erik Scarvan, & Cindy Vandavere
Russ Schweis: electrical support
Paul Meehan: excavation and fork lift…..almost!
Ian Smith: engineering and plans
Don Scarrow: surveyor
Wayne Sheldon: 640 foot water well
Water Witches ….several
Greg Gabbler: sips roofing panels
Donny: Native American crane
Julia Hedman, Julie Oldham, Nina Padden, Bob wade, Ruth wade, Eric Hanson, Cassidy, Barbara Reece, Katherine flick, Emily Hightower, Devon, and Cara: Stompers
Boty, Christian and Chippy: the A team
Pitkin County Planning and Pitkin County Building Department Staff…and additional friends from the valley bringing good wishes and prayers!
Very special thanks to the Smith Family with Smith Natural Homes! If anyone would like consulting on building a sustainable home please contact Don Smith.
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