About Our Ohana Non Profit “Loving Nature”
My parents and I have worked for many years developing a non profit in Hawaii to support the social and environmental projects we do in our local Hawaiian community… international Yoga Adventures, and my global Alison’s Adventures film series that educates through entertainment.

Over my lifetime we have built, by hand, a sustainable solar powered oceanfront retreat center in Hawaii.
Change Starts At Home: “Act Local, Think Global”
Yoga Adventure, our family business, has been personally developing and sustaining a community fresh drinking water system and has supported the installation of solar electric systems for our small Hawaiian community.
Yoga Adventure, our family business, has also been offering free community yoga classes and as a family or ohana, has been active in local community programs.
Alison’s TED Talk.
The grandest treasure hunts in history sometimes reveal the greatest truths. Alison Teal, Time Magazine’s Female Indiana Jones, and O Magazine’s Oprah Of Adventure, travels the world seeking out the greatest myths, mysteries, and legends around the globe. Here, we learn about her journey to uncover “the greatest treasure on earth,” and her profound discoveries along the way. With a mission to educate through entertainment, Alison Teal is a voice for both exploration and conservation. Through her exciting film series, she shares shocking discoveries about plastic pollution, proving that “water is life.”
Alison’s Adventures Educational Film Series
Alison’s Adventures is a film series that educates through entertainment. The films and social media series has made local and global change in plastic pollution, reef protection, and cultural persecution with a focus on protecting our worlds waters. Humans cannot survive without drinking water AND if the oceans die, we die and plastic is killing our oceans.
Alison’s recent speech at the environmental world forum in France.
Watch more Alison’s Adventures Film.
British Columbia: Wild Heart
Daniel Kereopa
Wild Child
Blue Duck Station
Lost Island of the Firewalkers
Home Sweet Hawaii
Change is Possible!
The efforts of our family have been very rewarding for the last 30 years and members of the community, and communities across the world have begun to depend upon the resources we have facilitated for our neighbors and ourselves.

We need Kokua (help)
In order to maintain the support we lovingly share with our community and to create sustainability of the related programs for future generations, Deborah, Alison and David, have established the Yoga Adventure Ohana, a non-profit organization (501c3).
With donations of time and money, we can continue to support ongoing yoga related activities, movement and sports, exemplary nutritional resourcing, cultural practices, community infrastructure i.e. green transportation, green power, access to clean drinking water and off grid electrical power, ocean and aina (earth) clean up projects, and ethnic diversity, promote and work to maintain a strong, healthy community and environment.
Awareness will also be disseminated via social media projects, video, film and photo essays regarding our program to spread the word and raise awareness*
Local Hawaii Projects
Offer community support through construction of a small traditional community center for classes, programs and village meetings, organization of village projects
Development of a keiki and adult canoe club including purchase of canoes, paddles, trailers, insurance, staff and other active recreational programs in nature
Continued support of the Ho’okena Beach Community Water, its infrastructure, stipends for water bills for economically challenged families and neighbors; ongoing repairs and upgrading of the system, related costs and overdue bills due to water loss, line breakage.
- Repair and improvement to historic rock walls and roads and trails
- Support for community events related to traditional fishing and healthy reef
- Recycling programs
- Yoga, and wellness classes with emphasis on nutrition and healthy living
- Support for Hula classes, Ukulele, musical programs
Sustainable living practices, i.e. solar power in a community that is off grid making it less dependent upon petroleum based forms of power and electricity; i.e. solar and wave action, solar vehicles
Fundraisers to raise money and equipment for all of the programs mentioned above and to offer scholarship to local keikis, students and parents for educational opportunities.
Community entertainment, traditional talk story; cultural gatherings, historical documentation – film to record aspects of life in the village past and present.
Meeting with cultural experts and chiefs in Hawaii and across the world to pass valuable information to our future generations.
Long Term Dream Programs
Expand adaptive Yoga Adventure Ohana programs beyond the boundaries of our Hawaiian village to more ohanas within our sphere of travel.
Current project already in effect is Yoga For The Village People
Change the world of media with an ALISON’S ADVENTURES TV SHOW or only empire that educates through entertainment for our future generations.